Learn Biblical truths during our weekly Bible Study
Your entire family is invited to come out to Christ Community Church UPC for our Wednesday Bible Study. On the first Wednesday night of each month, you're welcome to participate in worship and corporate prayer with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
Enjoy songs and prayer with fellow believers
You and your fellow brothers and sisters will be led through the Bible Study by Pastor Meeks. Expect a refreshing night of lively worship and honest prayer that will leave you at a better spiritual place. No matter your age or experience with the Bible, we welcome you to come and enjoy a night of learning and fellowship.
Come out on Sundays for more activities
You're invited to visit Christ Community Church UPC every Sunday to experience God with us. Listen to dedicated teachers during Sunday School before heading over to the Sunday Worship Service where you'll sing praises to our God and learn important truths from Pastor Meeks.